This ministry is not based upon money, tithes, or offerings. Although the Word of God teaches that believers should tithe and give offerings, this ministry will never ask you for money. We trust that the Lord will move on you and that you will not only listen, but act.
As the pastor of this ministry, I pledge to give an accounting of every single dime that comes into the ministry. This will be posted on my website at
Money and offerings will be used for the maintaining of the ministry and expenses incurred, various non-profit charities, and/or emergencies such as natural disasters, sudden sickness, or financial problems.
It is very important to me that you understand, your tithes and offerings go to the church that you attend!
*Please understand this ministry is NOT a 501c3. Your gift is only tax deductible as a gift. Filing for non-profit status is a complicated and arduous process that requires mountains of paperwork and routine maintenance.
As of 1/15/25: $135